Moruya Public School has a proud and long tradition (135 years) of public education in the Eurobodalla. The site was a central school until the high school was built in 1970. In addition to its historical significance Moruya Public School promotes high academic achievement and inclusive educational and wellbeing practices. Students are offered a comprehensive primary education that includes strong creative and citizenship building opportunities. We establish high expectations for our students and offer them the opportunity, encouragement and support required to lay the foundation for learning for life. Teachers plan, program and deliver an evidence informed curriculum within a quality teaching framework.
Wellbeing and engagement are priority focus areas in our school. We believe that all students are entitled to a safe and harmonious environment where they are treated with respect and where they in turn respect the rights of others. We emphasise positive behaviour for learning where students are taught to be safe, respectful learners. We believe that students should wear the specified school uniform consistently and with pride. The school is proud of its excellent reputation for the quality and safety of this learning environment.
We are an inclusive public school of some 330 students and 25 members of staff. There are 13 mainstream classes and 4 support classes.Promoting student voice is a focus for our school. Initiatives that foster sense of belonging, citizenship and leadership qualities include the Peer Support Program, a strong and active Student Representative Council and a Student Leadership Team. Comprehensive transition programs catering for students commencing and concluding their primary education support students as they enter Kindergarten and High School. We provide and promote academic excellence for talented students with an extension and enrichment program for students in Years 2-6. Extra-curricular activities in the sports and performing arts all combine to enrich the experience of students in our school. We have extensive resources supporting the integration of information technology and students benefit from access to a dedicated Technology Learning Centre as well computers, tablets, robotics, 3D printing and filim making.
Our community supports the school in its endeavours. There is a healthy Breakfast Club program operated by community volunteers, an individualised reading program and volunteers who support our Kitchen Garden program and Canteen. We have a dedicated and active Parents' and Citizens' Association and various sub-committees including the Canteen Committee and Kitchen Garden Committee where everyone is made welcome and where all voices and participation are valued.
The Aboriginal Education Committee regularly meets and actively supports the needs and learning of students. Aboriginal people are employed to support student learning and students enjoy participating in a dhurga language program. The school is responsive to the needs of the community and we encourage community expertise in our efforts to maximise opportunities for students such as the Art in the Making and River of Art. Many of our resources have been generously provided through community initiatives and parent community groups.
Moruya Public School is a warm, friendly and stimulating learning environment. Our school motto, "Live & Learn" challenges students to learn. It states that while we live we must learn and we must learn in order to live productive and meaningful lives. We trust that we have created the foundations for learning for life in all our students.